Well it all began with a well-meaning grandparent taking their grandchild on an innocent outing to the supermarket. What was meant to be a trip to stock the pantry+fridge... turned into, well, a dangerous turn into the toy aisle!!! Michael & I were away on a weekend trip with our youngest child for a new year's eve conference while my parents watched our 3 year old son. Yes, it was a week after the Christmas spoiling-session and yes- my son has so many toys that it dominates any living space we occupy, but nevertheless my mother took him down the toy aisle and bought him (yet another) train track & Thomas toy!!!
Fast forward a few weeks and I'm sitting at my mother's dining room table reading a book. All of a sudden my sweet son turns savage and begins yelling, demanding he get "the alligator Thomas"! Not happening. I call him over and ask him what the meltdown is all about and he proceeds to tell me how he wants the "alligator Thomas that goes up and spins around and goes down to the black thing"... I explained how we get toys at special times like on birthdays and Christmas (which for him, were both long past) and that we need to enjoy and be thankful for the toys we do have.
I looked at his big blue eyes and was reminded of one more thing. I told Rowin that Jesus LOVES the sound of his voice and he can always ask Jesus for things he needs & wants and WHO KNOWS! He might surprise you with what you're asking for. My sons eyes lit up with faith and excitement and immediately he prayed and asked the Holy Spirit for "the alligator Thomas that goes up and spins around and goes down to the black thing" :)
He happily jumped off my lap with a smile on his face and a secret in his heart and went off to play contentedly. Problem solved, right? One second later my mom opened the back door to let in the dog and Rowin jumped up and ran to it yelling "is that my Thomas here?!?"
Speechless. Amused. Wow. That little fella not only had faith to ask Jesus for that toy but he was EXPECTING it to materialize any minute! After discovering it was just the dog he sauntered back in and told my mom and brother that he asked Jesus for the alligator Thomas, to which he just got a laugh (from my brother) and a look of complete surprise (from my mom)! He looked to me for support and I smiled and nodded at him and the sparkle returned to his eye!
That night we were going to a prayer meeting at our church. Halfway through I went up to do a rapid fire prayer for our nation and as I finished I felt my son's hand on my leg. He reached up for the microphone and I quickly passed it to the next prayer leader, unsure of what my son would say on the mic. Well the next person was a father of six and a firm believer in God flowing through kids just as easily as adults (probably more easily come to think of it!) so he bent over and handed my son the mic. And this is what happened...
We all laughed about it, people came up and told me how cute my son was, but my son meant business and he knew who to ask. A God not restricted in showing his love. A Father not afraid to spoil his children and lavish them with the gifts they ask for. A Savior who GAVE IT ALL for the ones he loved and HOW MUCH MORE would he be able to give him a silly $60 toy...
One month went by and life moved on. One day while running errands, Papa called and told us to swing by because he had picked up something for Rowin. We were already heading to his house so it was perfect. As Rowin was eating lunch at the table, his Papa brought out a HUGE box with ... well, this----------------->
I KNOW I looked crazy but I kinda began tearing up! "THIS HAS TO BE THE TOY HE WAS TALKING ABOUT" my husband & I both said in shock and amazement!!! Papa didn't know WHAT we were talking about! Turns out he had just happened to be at a store in the clearance section and he picked out the coolest Thomas toy they had. Not only that but the $60 toy Rowin had asked for a week after Christmas was marked down to $10 and his Papa, who had NO IDEA about the prayer or anything just happened to pick out one that fit the description nearly to a T!
My son knows Who to go to with his requests and continues to do so on a daily basis!!! I LOVE hearing his heart pray unhindered to a God who LOVES him and loves the sound of his voice and GUESS WHAT?!?! YOU CAN TOO!!!
I challenge you to take time to journal a prayer to God today, make the vision plain and bring your requests to him, detailed - follow the example of my 3 year old today and believe you have received what you've asked for in faith.
"Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them." Mark 11:24