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Out of the Box and into My Arms

Last month marked my one year anniversary of homeless-ness. Yay.

One year ago my little pilgrim family and I downsized. Then downsized again. Then sold more stuff, then donated more and finally crammed the last bit of our belongings into suitcases and storage. I could say ALOT about the journey (just ask my husband!) but for this post, I want to share the few objects that hold a special place in my luggage :)

The good ole' air diffuser + essential oils! This may be one of those things - like lava lamps - that fizzles out in time... but I'm not so sure! Turn stale basement into... home. Turn funny smelling house into... home. Turn anywhere into a sleepy paradise of lavender!

Ahhhhhh, home. Some of my favorite scents include:

  • Purification & Melrose for ALL THE TIME

  • Lime & Lemon for morning & in the kitchen

  • Lavendar & Cedarwood for nighttime

  • RC for chest application (with coconut oil)

The sanity-saving step-stool of incredible-ness! I found this extra high stool at Aldi and it was the best $6 I've spent! It folds effortlessly, which is great for portability, easy for little hands to move and essential for traveling from house to house.

Hot Water + Tea people! Can I get an amen?! Somehow the mutt-mix American in me prefers tea over coffee which pairs nice with the tea-sipping Irishman I married. And although loose leaf varieties are wonderful, they require more stuff which translates into a headache for this luggage living-in momma! Some of my favorite teas I carry along with me are:

  • Peppermint - wonderfully soothing to a uneasy stomach

  • Vanilla - yum, especially paired with raw honey

  • Caramel - yum yum, especially when paired with vanilla + raw honey + creamer!

Favorite Dreamy Creams. Traveling from house to house you encounter new allergens, bathe in different levels of water purity, live in various degrees of humidity, etc... and it can make a house feel a bit more like home when you can lather your temple with quality products that work for your skin!!! Find ones that work for you - here are some that I adore!!!

  • Aveeno Baby Moisture Lotion - nothing says kiss me like soft skin and with kids as cute as mine, I can hardly ever stop! I've tried a bunch of creams and finally found this one!!! Yes to soft. No to sticky.

  • Rodan+Fields Redefine Regimen - talk about baby-soft skin for momma... this product kit is the JAM! It makes my skin feel like a million bucks and I am officially obsessed!

  • Coconut oil - you've read the blogs... there's a MILLION ways to use it and I guess I've jumped on the bandwagon because it def. holds a special place in my luggage. Love me some coconut oil mixed with essential oils in a good old fashion back rub. Yes please.

A Clean House comes from a Chemical Free All-Purpose Spray like this Thieves cleaner from Young Living. Want to make your new digs smell good? Want to disinfect the homestead of germs? Want to give your toddler a fun chore to "help" with? Yes to all the above!

And FINALLY , the cuddlies. Turn a car seat, an airplane or any new bed into home with the same cuddly lovey. For my kids, it's cozy batman pajamas and homemade blankets... along with a stuffed animal or two. For me, it's my favorite goose-down pillow and million (not really, but super soft) threadcount pillow case... for my husband, it's me!

May Jesus bless you & your family today, give you some good perspective on what makes home for you and enjoy the people that really make HOME what it is!!!


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